Funding Success

We are delighted to announce that the club were successful in their bid for funding from the Prestwick and Villages Locality Planning Partnership. The £950 awarded will help our club make bowling accessible to disadvantaged members in the community and further develop the sport’s inclusivity agenda.

Visually Impaired Match Up

Our Visually Impaired bowlers played their usual “grudge” match today (28th January) at the Ayr Indoor. Peter, Paul and (no, not Mary but Bennett!) left their opponents ‘blowing in the wind’ demolishing John, Chris and Isobel 16-3. In truth, it could have been worse as they were often lying 5 or 6 shots before a saving bowl came in.

Coaching sessions

Coaching begins at the Howie Bowling Club tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. It will be a combined session involving adults and children.  For non members, the first session is free, thereafter £3 per session for adults, and £2 for children.  Members get all coaching free!

Decision Day

Howie Bowling Club are bidding for funds for a wheelchair ramp and a disabled toilet to make bowl add truly inclusive.  The event takes place at Prestwick Academy tomorrow (Saturday ) between 10:00 and 12:00.  Get down there and support your club! Anyone 10 and over who lives, works of volunteers in the area can vote!